Adding RAM to the Teensy 4 for FAUST audio applications?


Well-known member
Hey everyone,
I've successfully got some FAUST projects working on the Teensy 4, very excited!

One of the projects involves a lot of delay lines (144 of them up to 50ms long) and it seems like I need at least triple the memory that the Teensy currently has.

Is there a way to add this memory and have it available to the FAUST program seamlessly like the internal RAM?

I see the audio shield has room for more memory, but I also see that the Teensy Audio Library requires different delay functions to be used if wanting to use that memory. I'm just looking for a way to just "extend" the amount of RAM available to the Arduino and FAUST sketch.

Interestingly, my sketches all compile and upload to the teensy - claiming memory to spare, but the ones that exceed the memory limit just don't execute.
The best way is to add PSRAM to a Teensy 4.1; see It does need some different keywords or functions (the linked page totally fails to mention extmem_malloc() and extmem_free(), which are mentioned at

There’s plenty of threads on here on the use of PSRAM, now you know the term to search!

Thanks h4yn0nnym0u5e, I'll start doing some research. The C++ FAUST code gets automatically generated, so it's pretty much a black box to me.. just concerned the added memory won't be seen by the FAUST object since I can't edit the code to have it use a different memory location.