Rust on teensy 4.0


New member
Hi Everyone

I am completing a project done from plans here:
I am very new to Teensy, and am very new to the Rust programming language. I am by no means a programmer, and as a result do not know how to load the program onto the Teensy. I am VERY new to this and literally know nothing.

The program I am trying to load is located here:

My questions are:
What is the easiest way to load this onto the Teensy? I have Teensy Loader 1.56 but am not sure if I need to go another route?
What software do I need to install to successfully upload the program to the Teensy?
Does it need to be compiled first?
How do you tell the program is running on the Teensy?

Any advice is very much appreciated.

I looked at the link to the program you want to load. Yes, you would have to compile it, that's just RUST code, not a compiled binary. I've investigated running rust programs on Teensy and it is possible but it is not a trivial thing to get set up. There are tutorials for how to install all the rust support files to make it happen but it's a large undertaking. If you're interested in modifying the code then you'll need to get everything set up so you can compile things yourself in the future. If all you want is to run the program then the people who made it could probably compile it for you and give you a binary. Then Teensy Loader could flash it to the hardware for you. I'd try compiling it but I think I deleted the teensy rust stuff after messing around with it. It just didn't seem like it was worth it just yet (to me).