A useful statistics class


Well-known member
I've found this class useful for collecting statistics for a stream of data in a single pass. Simply call `update()` with the new sample and it does single-pass calculation of the mean and variance. Note that I've used floats, but it's possible you may wish to use doubles.

// Stat.h defines statistics collection for a stream of data.
// (c) 2022-2023 Shawn Silverman

#ifndef STAT_H_
#define STAT_H_

#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>

// Holds statistics for one stream of samples.
template <typename T>
class Stat {
  // Creates and initializes the stats.
  Stat() {

  // Returns the current count.
  uint32_t count() const {
    return count_;

  // Returns the current minimum.
  T min() const {
    return min_;

  // Returns the current maximum.
  T max() const {
    return max_;

  // Returns the current mean.
  float mean() const {
    return mean_;

  // Returns the current variance.
  float var() const {
    return m2_ / count_;

  // Returns the current sample variance.
  float sampleVar() const {
    return m2_ / (count_ - 1);

  // Resets all the stats.
  void reset() {
    count_ = 0;
    min_   = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
    max_   = 0;
    mean_  = 0.0f;
    m2_    = 0.0f;

  // Updates the statistics with one sample.
  void update(T sample) {

    min_ = std::min(min_, sample);
    max_ = std::max(max_, sample);

    // Welford's online algorithm
    // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithms_for_calculating_variance#Welford's_online_algorithm
    float delta = (sample - mean_);
    mean_ += delta / count_;
    m2_ += delta*(sample - mean_);

  uint32_t count_;
  T min_;
  T max_;
  float mean_;
  float m2_;  // Aggregates the squared distance from the mean
  // Variance is m2/count and sample variance is m2/(count - 1)

#endif  // STAT_H_

Note: I call this 'Stat' rather than 'Stats' because I think of the final values as coordinates of a single point in some space, i.e. a "stat".
Seems @tonton81 did a buffer class and added stats to them as well

Yes: github.com/tonton81/Circular_Buffer
This is pretty much an advanced version of a circular buffer that follows the STL naming conventions of std::queue,deque,vector, etc...

It supports multiple circular buffer creations without the use of reallocation, new, or malloc. The system uses a template for the configuration of the buffers for the class.

Both circular buffers and circular arrays all support FIFO, LIFO, and MIXED (FIFO+LIFO); This can lead you to design a priority queue system where front entries for priority items and back entries for least priority.
For some reason when I saw that title I was expecting this:
Note that I've used floats, but it's possible you may wish to use doubles.

Since you templated the class, I'm wondering why you don't use "T" as type of the mean/m2 and the return type of your value functions? Am I missing something?
Since you templated the class, I'm wondering why you don't use "T" as type of the mean/m2 and the return type of your value functions? Am I missing something?

Because the mean and variance should be floating point. For example, say you template with an `int` and update with values 2 and 3. The mean is 2.5, not expressible as an `int`. The min and max functions return type T because those select specific values of the stream, which is a list with elements of type T.

(Update: that’s weird. I tried to edit my post in “mobile mode”, and it got deleted. This is a repost. As opposed to a repast, for when you’re hungry.)