Potential issue with interrupts in AudioStream.cpp


New member
Hi, I'm new to embedded development so please correct me if I'm wrong here.

Currently AudioStream.cpp uses allocate() and release() functions to allocate memory to audio blocks. These functions call __disable_irq() and __enable_irq(), which can lead to problems if the user has disabled interrupts beforehand, since allocating or releasing memory will re-enable interrupts. I discovered it when working on some issues with usb audio transfers, and replacing __disable_irq() and __enable_irq() inside of allocate/release functions with ATOMIC_BLOCK(ATOMIC_RESTORESTATE) from avr-libc util/atomic.h seems to solve this problem. By this I mean

void AudioStream::release(audio_block_t *block)
	//if (block == NULL) return;
	uint32_t mask = (0x80000000 >> (31 - (block->memory_pool_index & 0x1F)));
	uint32_t index = block->memory_pool_index >> 5;
		if (block->ref_count > 1) {
		} else {
			//Serial.println((uint32_t)block, HEX);
			memory_pool_available_mask[index] |= mask;
			if (index < memory_pool_first_mask) memory_pool_first_mask = index;

As far as I understood atomic block macro checks global interrupt state when entering its scope, disables interrupts and enables them again only if they were set when entering its scope.
Disabling/enabling interrupts instead of save/restore: subtly dangerous

You make a good observation. The ATOMIC_BLOCK code (that I'm seeing for the first time so take this with a grain of salt and subject to further study) seems like a good solution, though it's a strict boolean disable/re-enable setup and depends on compiler facilities.

It's well known in the embedded community that "disable_interrupts()" should return current state and the re-enable should be "restore_interrupts(original_state)" for the reasons you have noted in your post. (It's been true in my life from PDP-8 onward...)

More generically, and the way I write embedded code, is to use IRQ priority controls. In several projects I have worked on, there is a priority level for interrupts that absolutely must always be serviced, with a matching rule that such service functions cannot ever affect the resources controlled by normal critical sections. If there's no need for a "super high priority ISR" then the "newLevel" priority can be the maximum priority the hardware offers, in with case it's effectively an IRQ disable.

    int irqlevel = set_new_priority(newLevel);
        critical section;

With that paradigm irq_enable() is used only for operating system start, and there's no need for irq_disable().

Using disable/enable without that save/restore capability requires very VERY careful review of the entire codebase in which it's used.

Finally, thanks for the reference to the atomic code, I didn't know about until now and learned something new today.