30V Battery Voltage Divider


New member
Hello everyone,

I want to measure the Voltage of big a Battery which has a voltage range of 19.5V-29.4V. I want to use the ADC of a teensy 4.0 board and since the input only allows 3.3V at max I need a voltage divider.
The circuit below shows the basic concept. I randomly selected R1 to be 50k Ohm and R2 to be 6k Ohm. At 29.4V this would mean 3.2V at the teensy input.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-04-05 um 17.29.25.png

The battery has an integrated BMS which prevents it from reaching higher Voltages. For redundant security, would clamping diodes work?

Are the choosen resistor values good?
What do I need to consider when it comes to accuracy, sampling speed and impedance when selecting resistor values?
Do I need any other circuitery?

Thank you very much in advance!

Kind regards