Teensy 4.1 Error when compiling/uploading


New member
I am just getting started with a brand new teensy 4.1. I have successfully followed the tutorial to download HEX code from the Teensy Loader. I then opened the Arduino "Blink Fast" project in the "Blink Both" folder and installed the additional board to Arduino IDE. This is where I get stuck. Whether I hit compile or upload, I get the same issue. In the output it reads "arm-none-eabi-g++: fatal error: cannot execute 'cc1plus': CreateProcess: No such file or directory
compilation terminated. exit status 1 Compilation error: exit status 1". Did I neglect to download something else?
Which Arduino IDE version are you referring to? 2.1.0 or 1.8.19?
Did you follow the exact instructions on this page?

Where is the "Blink Both" folder located? I don't recall seeing this folder ever.

I am using the latest IDE: 2.1.0. Yes, I followed the instructions on that page up until the "Arduino 1.8.x Software Development" header, since I thought that that section and following sections did not apply to my version of IDE.
The "Blink Both" folder is created from the hyperlink on this page: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/loader_win10.html. I navigated to it via the "Getting Started" section, as directed by the page that came with the teensy.