Teensy 4.1 8 Serial Ports or 7? German Suppliers say 7?


I am working on a project which requires 8 serial ports, The PJRC page about the teensy 4.1 explicitly says that it has 8 fully independent Serial ports, but two trustable german electronics webshops have datasheets which say only 7. Do the webshops have bad data or whats going on here? are there 7 or 8?

Links to the webshops:


Looks like just a simple mistake. They also have incorrect flash memory size (it really is only 8 Mbyte = 64 Mbit) and wrong amount reserved (256K on Teensy 4.1). The specs on the PJRC web page for Teensy 4.1 are the official source.

Teensy 4.1 really does have 8 hardware serial ports.

You can also get more serial port(s) with FlexIO, if using higher baud rates. FlexIO timer is only 8 bits, so it can't support slow baud like the normal serial ports can.