accidentally soldered on 4.0. Is board dead?


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I accidentally soldered red part and couldn't get it out properly so I scrapped it off with a knife.

Board now is recognized by computer but when I try to get pin read, it doesn't respond, and all of sudden all pin goes high at once.

Could that be due to that part? or that doesn't have to do with the problem??
If it is can I fix it ? or can not use board?

  int BUTTON[34];
  int Pressed[34];              

void setup()   {
  for (int i = 0; i < 34; i++) {
      pinMode (BUTTON[i], INPUT);

void loop()                     
  for (int i = 0; i < 34; i++) {

  if (digitalRead (BUTTON[i]) == HIGH){    
      Pressed[i] = true;
      Serial.println("Pin " + String(i) + " is HIGH!");
  else {
      Pressed[i] = false;
      Serial.println("Pin " + String(i) + " is LOW!");
Just checking: you accidentally shorted C17 and C29 by a solder blob and then tried to remove it?


Did you power the Teensy while that short was present?
Did you try the "Blink" program?

Tried your code and it one time showed all pins HIGH in the serial monitor...
Perhaps that is because the input pins are set to INPUT (high impedance), so they are floating.
Normally when using buttons connected to a pin & GND, you set the pin to "pinMode (BUTTON, INPUT_PULLUP);" and check if a pin goes LOW.

Yes, exactly what you said.
I have powered while short.
Blink is working fine.

I did

Connect usb, computer didn't recognize.
Check short, scrap it off.
Connect to computer, it recognizes but every pin was high.

When I use "pinMode (BUTTON, INPUT);" it sends low, but when I use "INPUT_PULLUP" it doesn't sent.
I'm using buttons without GND. Mechanical keyboard switches.

Thanks for your help in advance :)
Allright, perhaps your Teensy survived.
Can you test whether the pins are actually working by settings the individual pin outputs HIGH & LOW and measure the pins? [digitalWrite(pin, value) without switches connected].
Can you also draw a little schematic how you wired the mechanical keyboard switches? And maybe make a photo of your setup?

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I disconnected all the pins and used keypad examples. Connected pin directly and Teensy started working fine, gets disconnected time to time though.
Code I upload still gave me all high, so I assume it wasn't board's problem in that part.
Problem was diodes I think.

When I connect directly bypassing diodes, pin gives me correct respond, but with diodes, no respond.

Edit: I had to declare output pins :)
All is good, Thanks for your help Paul!!
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