Yet another Teensy 4.1 simple JTAG mod - now with GD32


I post this here, just to confirm that also the GD32 version of the can be modded by cutting the PCB wires for JTAG.
The blinking of the red LED can be ignored. This happens after cutting the PCB wires, as Paul said !
The correct wires are here:

Only MOD+JTAG wires are required. This JTAG not SWD !!!
It was definitely a challenge and without magnifying glasses - no chance.

The real challenge was at the end the software.
Do yourself a favor and test step by step. E.g. with the JLink command tool: accessibility, reset, halt etc.
Then use a gdb with the JLink gdbserver from command line. e.g. with platformio teensy41 setup.
Then you can start with the GUI. Everything else will lead you easily in the false direction.

If there is interest I can show here my CLion and platformio configuration for a blinky example. Didn't work out of the box.

Here are some pictures. No, I didn't fry the GD32. It's just the surface and the light. And I cut first the reset and had to resolder it.:

