USB type to Keyboard + MIDI , Keyboard + MIDI + Audio. Please help me!!


New member
I am working on two projects with the Teensy 3.2 board. One project requires simultaneous operation of a USB keyboard and a MIDI keyboard, while the other project includes a USB keyboard, MIDI keyboard, and audio. However, when coding in the Arduino IDE, there is no option to specify Keyboard + MIDI or Keyboard + MIDI + Audio in the USB type selection. I searched the forum and found that modifying the usb_desc.h file should solve the issue, but despite trying the source code provided by some users, it didn't work for me. Additionally, I've been encountering errors during compilation, leading me to uninstall and reinstall the program repeatedly. I don't have enough skills to freely modify the code on my own. Please help me. Can you assist me in enabling the options Keyboard + MIDI and Keyboard + MIDI + Audio in the USB type selection? While setting the USB type to "All of the Above" allows all functionalities, I don't like the fact that unnecessary devices are recognized together. I'm looking for a way to have the system recognize only Keyboard + MIDI and Keyboard + MIDI + Audio in a concise manner.

스크린샷 2023-05-28 오.jpg