AudioShield for Teensy 4.0: Wav File Export Problems from Audacity 2.4


Hi all,

Just purchased a PJRC audio shield board for Teensy 4.0 for an interactive sculpture I'm building.

Deafult WavFilePlayer example worked great after hooking up all my components, but my own files exported form audacity 2.4 do not work.

I've tested also opening stock wav files in audacity and re-exporting they no longer play. It appears the WavFilePlayer sketch shows its playing the file but then quickly simply skips to the next file.

File is exported as signed 32bit at whatever original audio rate is (44100). Tried signed 32bit SCM and just plain 32bit float both have the same issue.

Attached is the re-exported source audio file.

Sorry for google drive link I tried to upload to forum but it has a max size of 1mb.

If anyone has any thoughts or understanding why this is happening I could use the help. I dont have latest audacity due to their EULA change from a few years back on data collection.
File link should work now.

Does the .wav extension also have to be uppercase for it to play?
So I fixed that and still had the issue. I believe it resolved when I converted the lowercase .wav file extensin to be upper case.

Is it required for the file extension to be upper case as well? If not then it must have been the 44100hz that fixed it.