Recent content by Adr

  1. A

    Serial commutation handling more than btye int

    Looking to get a handle on how to deal with short ints when sending 3 ints. Right now my code looks something like this: #define RX_SIZE 6 int8_t rx[RX_SIZE]; void handle_host_commands() { while (Serial1.available()) { Serial1.readBytes((uint8_t*) rx, RX_SIZE); if (rx[0] ==...
  2. A

    Small delay after mouse move on teensy 4.1

    Just making sure I am not crazy here. When I send the command usb_mouse_move it moves the mouse over - but for a short while, I am unable to move the mouse after it finishes. Is this normal or is there a way to edit this behavior out? #include "USBHost_t36.h" USBHost usb_host; USBHub...