Recent content by aiw

  1. A

    SD Library - create file with attribute DIR_ATTR_ARCHIVE 0x20

    I do see that the library has the attribute. Just not sure how to force it to be used. /** file is read-only */ uint8_t const DIR_ATT_READ_ONLY = 0X01; /** File should hidden in directory listings */ uint8_t const...
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    SD Library - create file with attribute DIR_ATTR_ARCHIVE 0x20

    I'm using the uTasker SD bootloader for a teensy 3.5 so that I can send remote updates via cellular XBee and then send the file over serial to write to SD Card. The SD card bootloader expects the files to have the attribute DIR_ATTR_ARCHIVE 0x20, but the SD Library writes x00 in this location...
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    Teensy 3.5 Stand-Alone Loader

    Yes, but I wanted to include some other instructions. Also, the folks doing the update weren't always going to be "technically proficient" so I wanted to make it as easy as possible with pictures and a couple of buttons. No file lookups, correct picture of device, etc..
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    Teensy 3.5 Stand-Alone Loader

    Utilized QT, python and cx_freeze to produce a stand alone loader for a teensy 3.5 in a fielded application. Not everyone would have access to Arduino and teensyduino so I made this loader access a batch file that calls the teensy_loader_cli. CCOOP is a cellular device that connects to NWS...
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    Will Paul's SPIFlash library work with these?

    I saw a few posts about the MRAM chips from everspin. I wrote a library for these if anyone is interested in using them. I built in shift data function to use as a FIFO and be able to shift in the data size of your choosing.
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    Teensy 3.1 Serial.print(F(" "));

    Thanks for the feedback Paul. I'm not using PROGMEM at all right now, but will add const to the variables to make sure they get loaded into flash Any clue as to why one would cause a hang up and not the other? I say this on the PJRC site but did not know if it related to Teensy 3.1 or just the...
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    Teensy 3.1 Serial.print(F(" "));

    On the usb serial for Teensy 3.1, does it still utilize the print(F(" ")) notation to free up the memory after the print action completes? I had a fairly lengthy code that printed quite a few Strings where I utilized this type of code. After about 40 minutes the code would hang up. My...
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    Teensy 3.0 & si4707 breakout board - hangs on Wire.endTransmission()

    You might also look at trying the code we have posted for an alternative Si4707 board. Code can be downloaded here with sample sketch. The board itself does not contain the pullup resistors or the headphone jack. It does however provide a BNC for...