Recent content by Flanigan2004

  1. F

    Possible to modify OctoWS2811 to work with SK9822 LED Strip?

    Thank you so much for the quick reply. It's really amazing everything you do with Teensy and then being so willing to help out. I might take a stab at the Flexio approach to see if I can get it going on one Teensy 4.0. I don't really know what I'm gonna do but I'll post on here whenever I get it...
  2. F

    Possible to modify OctoWS2811 to work with SK9822 LED Strip?

    I am trying to build a very large POV(persistance of vision) display and have, as someone who is pretty new to Teensy and Arduino generally, I seem to have bitten off more than I can chew, or at least more than I planned on chewing. Anyways, I have calculated that I need to refresh my 4...