Recent content by Fluffy

  1. Fluffy

    Teensy 3.1 - SPI - Master Tx - Slave Rx

    data[0]: 62 returnData[0]: 0 data[1]: 63 returnData[1]: 1 data[2]: 32769 returnData[2]: 2 data[3]: 3 returnData[3]: 3 data[4]: 4 returnData[4]: 4 data[5]: 6 returnData[5]: 5 data[6]: 7 returnData[6]: 6 data[7]: 8 returnData[7]: 7 data[8]: 9 returnData[8]: 8 data[9]: 12...
  2. Fluffy

    Teensy 3.1 - SPI - Master Tx - Slave Rx

    Thanks for the speedy reply! Are there are simple examples that use the teensy SPI.h? I looked at the ones here: The one with the pot doesn't fit my description since I want to send data from one teensy to another teensy. If you could direct me to...
  3. Fluffy

    Teensy 3.1 - SPI - Master Tx - Slave Rx

    Clock speed is set at SPI_CLOCK_DIV2 = 24 MHz SCK is 0x0D MOSI is 0x0B MISO is 0x0C CS0 is 0x01 CS1 is 0x02 These values are defined originally in the header file. Physical connections are: Master Slave 7 (MOSI)<---------> 7 (MOSI) 8 (MISO)<---------> 8 (MISO) 14...
  4. Fluffy

    Teensy 3.1 - SPI - Master Tx - Slave Rx

    Hey guys, So I've been stuck on this issue for quite a while. I've been trying to figure out how this library works: I found a few issues with the header and found a solution here...
  5. Fluffy

    Decode PPM Sum signal and recode in PPM Sum signal ????

    Hey Paul! The PulseLocation library is awesome! However, I'm having trouble understanding it. Here's what I've been working on. What're you trying to do? I'm trying to read PWM inputs in the serial monitor and then sum them into a PPM signal and pass them out from one of the digital pins. I'm...
  6. Fluffy

    PWM - RC Receiver

    Alright! So the code was good. The values were fluctuating because the receiver didn't bind properly. I made a video of the diagnostic if you're interested.
  7. Fluffy

    PWM - RC Receiver

    That helps alot! PulseIn is kinda slow. The interrupts are quite fast! Thanks Joe_Prince. I'll be back with the functioning code and will share my results.
  8. Fluffy

    PWM - RC Receiver

    Hiya guys! So a follow up from this post ( I tried to read the PWM signals from the Spektrum AR6210 on my teensy's PWM Pins. Here's the code: const int chA=3; //Constant variables relating...
  9. Fluffy

    Can anyone help me on how to read DSMX - PPM Signals on the teensy? Here's the code that I'm using on the teensy. Wiring is as follows: receiver 3.3v -> Teensy 3.3v receiver GRD -> Teensy GRD receiver Serial Signal -> Teensy Pin0
  10. Fluffy

    Can anyone help me on how to read DSMX - PPM Signals on the teensy?

    Yes! I tried it and got the following signals :) Also, I've tried to read the serial signals from the receiver into the Teensy pin 0 (Rx1) but no dice.
  11. Fluffy

    Can anyone help me on how to read DSMX - PPM Signals on the teensy?

    Hiya Guys! I'm trying to read the PPM Signals off of my DSMX (Spektrum Satellite receiver). I'm using a teensy 3.2. So far, I've tried the PulsePosition header and it hasn't really worked that well for me. In case anyone is wondering, the receiver takes input from a 7 Channel RC controller...