Recent content by JaKe101

  1. J

    Teensy 4.1 Webserver

    I use a Teensy 4.1 with the NativeEthernet library and want to make a webserver that can receive text data from a HTML page stored on the SD card. The problem is that I can display all data from the Teensy on the HTML page but modifying and saving I can't get to work. Anybody has an example of...
  2. J

    Why does this code work different on Arduino IDE vs PlatformIO?

    Thanks CorBee for your response! I added the libraries in the platformio.ini but that did not make any difference. Inspired by your suggestion, I reinstalled the Teensy platform which solved the problem. Thanks CorBee :-)
  3. J

    Why does this code work different on Arduino IDE vs PlatformIO?

    I made a simple test program due to issues when connection to a MQTT broker. The problem is that when I connect to the MQTT broker when it is offline I get not the expected false but the system hangs. So I made a small test, ran it in the Arduino IDE and it works great, but in PlatformIO it...
  4. J

    T4.1 Ethernet Library

    I made a simple test program due to issues when connection to a MQTT broker. The problem is that when I connect to the MQTT broker when it is offline I get not the expected false but the system hangs. So I made a small test, ran it in the Arduino IDE and it works great, but in PlatformIO it...
  5. J

    Teensy 4.1 MQTT

    Hi mariuszjo, I now have the Pubsubclient working with NativeEthernet. Only 1 problem, when I stop the MQTT broker, the Pusubclient.begin does not return a false but crashes and reboots the Teensy. I have no idea why but removing the Ethernet cable and reconnect it, works fine...
  6. J

    Teensy 4.1 ethernet hardware failure

    Hi KD0RC, I going to look into this example and implement it. I let you know how it works. Thanks!
  7. J

    Teensy 4.1 ethernet hardware failure

    Here I also have an issue with the Ethernet.LinkStatus(), it always shows "OFF" when the board startup and with the provided example from the NativeEthernet library. Only after Ethernet.begin it shows the correct value. I use NativeEthernet library with the Teensy 4.1, this is the way to go...
  8. J

    Teensy 4.1 MQTT

    I want to upgrade my project from an ESP32 -> Teensy 4.1. Until I reached the MQTT part (pubsubclient library) everything went perfect. I use the build-in Ethernet controller with the NativeEthernet library, Ethernet is working fine but a connection to the MQTT server cannot be made and I get...