Recent content by jsureke

  1. J

    Communicating between boards

    Wow! That explains a lot... One third party device was registered under several com ports. My flight yoke was under HID something like 12 times.
  2. J

    Communicating between boards

    These are not showing up as COM ports. They show up as Teensy ports:
  3. J

    Communicating between boards

    Windows 10 Pro
  4. J

    Communicating between boards

    I don't know what that means. Are you talking about using the TX / RX pins? Is there example code somewhere?
  5. J

    Communicating between boards

    Hi, I have three (soon to be four) Teensy 3.5 boards configured as XPlane FlightSim devices, and I need someone to point me in the right direction to talk between the boards. They all show up in Arduino as the same Teensy port number which I've already posted about, so I'm at a loss as to how to...
  6. J

    Need to understand Teensy ports.

    I don't know about serial numbers. I was hoping PaulStoffregen would weigh in.
  7. J

    Need to understand Teensy ports.

    This is what the Tools & Ports menu looks like: As I mentioned, everything works fine, but I have to wait until the other device gets recognized before connecting these.
  8. J

    Configure Teensy HID device from PC?

    I have an instrument panel with encoders that send xplane commands to adjust the different instruments. I have one Air Manager panel that has a normal heading indicator and another that has an HSI and puts NAV2 into the NAV1 position (there are other differences). I have a mode switch on my...
  9. J

    Need to understand Teensy ports.

    Hi, I don't really know how to correctly explain this or the right question(s) to ask. Hopefully, there's someone smarter than me who knows what I'm trying to figure out. I am having issues getting my different XPlane controllers to play nice together. There seems to be a COM port conflict...
  10. J

    3.5 Device not recognized

    Hi, I built one of TallDog's 3.5 Due breakout kits. I've done two others that work fine. This one is not getting recognized by my computer. When I plug it in, the computer chirps as expected, but Arduino doesn't see it and nothing gets added in Device Manager under Human Interface Devices. In...
  11. J

    Teensy 3.5 Unable to determine potentiometer's switch state on board startup.

    Exactly what I needed. Thanks. I have it on VUSB right now, but I'll switch it to 3.3.
  12. J

    Teensy 3.5 Unable to determine potentiometer's switch state on board startup.

    Hi, On my Teensy 3.5, I have a rotary potentiometer that includes a switch. I can tell if the switch is being turned on or off by checking Bounce.risingEdge() and Bounce.fallingEdge(). I can also set my volume based on the potentiometer output by checking analogRead(A1). What I can't figure out...
  13. J

    Can't change 7 segment display

    I have a Teensy 3.5 and an Arduino Mega. Multiple boards, multiple sketches, alll with the same results, so it has to be the hardware. I do know that I didn't use the capacitors on the 5v that some people say are needed, so I'm scrapping all of this and starting over, but I'm using a socket...
  14. J

    Can't change 7 segment display

    I just learned that the chip is really finiky. This prototype isn't the best looking solder job. I'm just going to start over. :o
  15. J

    Can't change 7 segment display

    That doesn't even work. It starts working but it doesn't show all the changes and it doesn't loop a second time. I must have faulty components.