Recent content by MLM

  1. MLM

    Making an Arduino Compatible Library - Preprocessor Directives?

    Good point, since I am really just targeting use of "Arduino.h", #if defined(ARDUINO) should be sufficient Thanks for the input.
  2. MLM

    Making an Arduino Compatible Library - Preprocessor Directives?

    Using `defined(ARDUINO)` seems to work well. I decided to add the other directives for robustness although I don't think they are necessary. #if defined(ARDUINO_PLATFORM) || defined(CORE_TEENSY) || defined(ARDUINO) || defined(__AVR__) || defined(__ARM__) #include "Arduino.h" #else #include...
  3. MLM

    Making an Arduino Compatible Library - Preprocessor Directives?

    Making an Arduino Compatible Library - Cross-platform - Preprocessor Directives? I want to make a library that works with the Arduino compilation as well as for example Visual Studio. For example there is a inconsistency when dealing with strings. #include <string> // use `std::string` in...
  4. MLM

    Corrupted Serial after 32 characters - Teensy 3.0

    I just upgraded to Teensyduino 1.19 and now I am getting perfect serial transfers with the code above. I am not sure what version I was using before but it was downloaded around 2013/9/6.
  5. MLM

    Corrupted Serial after 32 characters - Teensy 3.0

    I am having problems with USB serial where the data seems to get corrupted usually after 32 characters on my Teensy 3.0. I have tried multiple USB cables and I have ordered another Teensy 3.1 that will hopefully confirm that this is not isolated to just my board. Here is an example...
  6. MLM

    "USB: Don't Speak unless Spoken to" T-Shirt on Teespring

    Since Teensy's are used for so many great USB projects, I thought some of you may be interested! Only one day left. Visit the campaign: Explanation: Each USB device on the bus has an unique address 0-127(7 bits). Every transaction includes a token packet which...
  7. MLM

    Teensy 3 - Controlling a Linear Servo

    I recently got a mini linear servo which I plan to use to pick up and place down a marker for my CNC plotter project. I decided to write up a guide on how I got it all working. You can see a wiring diagram and code used for both a simple sweep demo and manually controlling the position with a...
  8. MLM

    Teensy 3 - Controlling Stepper Motors Guide

    I recently got some stepper motors for Christmas and I successfully got them spinning. Controlled by my beloved Teensy 3.0. I wrote up a quick guide on how I set everything up (wiring diagram) and even code:
  9. MLM

    USB Audio for Teensy 3.0

    I am really looking forward on getting this fully project fully operational and running for all 3 template goals. I recently got my Teensy 3.0 and have already verified and ran the current project on GitHub (8-bit 8000hz mono microphone, generates tone). I have been super interested in making a...