Recent content by overthrow

  1. O

    Encoder counts wrong on Teensy, fine on Arduino Mega

    Reviving an old thread. I've been using an AS5040 with a Raspberry Pi but I want to get rid of the RPI and go back to a Teensy 3.2. I went back and looked at the datasheet for the AS5040 and I noticed the maximum clock was 1 Mhz. I'm reviewing the Python code and it looks like there are 0.01...
  2. O

    Teensy + W5500 + Websocket server

    What ethernet chip did you use? W5500?
  3. O

    Teensy + W5500 + Websocket server

    I'm sure you could have found this easily enough yourself but it's a good reference. The RFC on Websockets. and an Arduino websocket server that maybe could be used as a starting point.
  4. O

    Supercap for RTC?

    There's a good image in this article on energy density of supercaps vs. lithium ion. It's an order of magnitude off, something to keep in mind.
  5. O

    Teensy + W5500 + Websocket server

    I think all the major programming languages already have client libraries for websockets. If you want to include a client example I would probably do it with Python. On the Teensy side one example should be for receiving commands, possibly commands to turn on Octo2811 LEDs, or even a single...
  6. O

    Supercap for RTC?

    Supercaps charge fast and release their charge quick but they don't hold anywhere near as much energy as other batteries like lead acid, lithium, etc. The other issue is when they are near 0V and you apply voltage to them they basically dead short so you need a way to limit inrush current on...
  7. O

    Teensy + W5500 + Websocket server

    On the client side I'm connecting from Unity using a .NET library. I'm making websocket connection from sending data and another for receiving it. In the robotics application I have I'm connecting to a lot of different sensors. One websocket is for an IMU, another is encoders, roboclaw motor...
  8. O

    Teensy + W5500 + Websocket server

    I've been searching threads for anyone running a websocket server on a Teensy and I just see some dead threads from over a year ago. Is anyone doing this? Any code you can share? I'm trying to control some motor controllers with a Teensy and with motors, etc. Windows is too unreliable to use...
  9. O

    Octows2811 with matrix panel

    I tried the FastLed library which I noticed includes the OctoWS library in an example. I managed to get that to work on all 256 pixels. Thanks for the help!
  10. O

    Octows2811 with matrix panel

    The panel I have is setup to start Left and go Right on the first row which is 8 wide, so 8 columns, 32 rows. In the Plasma Animation example in Octows2811 library I have this definition at the top: #define COLS_LEDs 8 // all of the following params need to be adjusted for screen size #define...
  11. O

    Octows2811 with matrix panel

    I have an Octows2811 and an 8x32 ws2812b panel. The panels as far as I can tell are setup like a single row with an S pattern. I didn't see any threads on how to use it with the library or anything in the Octows2811 documentation? Has anyone tried this?
  12. O

    SSD1332 and SSD1331 fast drivers

    I'm trying to connect a second SSD1331 to a single Teensy 3.2. I'm sharing Pin 11 (DOUT) and Pin 13 (SCK) between the screens. Screen 1 has CS = 10, DC = 15. Screen 2 has CS = 9 and DC = 14. I'm trying to display a bitmap. I either get a working screen 1 and a blank or garbled screen 2. If I...
  13. O

    SSD1332 and SSD1331 fast drivers

    I'm looking at the Teensy schematic and it says 19 is SCL0 and 18 is SDA0. I was thinking those were SPI but now I see that they are I2C and 11 and 13 are SPI. Thanks!
  14. O

    SSD1332 and SSD1331 fast drivers

    I got a second screen from a different vendor today and connected it to the Teensy. I also verified that the SSD_13XX_settings.h file has #include "../_display/SSD_1331_96x64.h" uncommented and the boards I have look identical to the first one in the README file.
  15. O

    SSD1332 and SSD1331 fast drivers

    I have a 7-pin SSD1331 connected to a Teensy 3.2. I have CS on 10, DC on 9 and RST on 8 and I added digitalWrite(8, HIGH) in first line of setup so it gets 3.3V (tried both ways, no difference). SCL goes to pin 19, SDA goes to 18. I run the basicSetup sketch and errorCode equals 0, so no Init...