Recent content by Russ

  1. R

    The Hula Hoop From Hell

    Hello. There has been some progress, nowhere near enough. I have had to take the hoop apart multiple times to address dead LEDs. I have been doing some work on the programming trying to get everything to work together. That is going slowly because there is a lot of learning going on during...
  2. R

    Soldering LED strips back together

    Thank you for the replies. I am still a novice at soldering. I have been practicing and have invested some in better equipment then I started with.
  3. R

    Soldering LED strips back together

    Hello, Yes, it has solder pads on both sides and I have tried what you suggest with the exception that I did not go super hot on the soldering iron. I went at the max of my iron (25-50w adjustable). I am not sure how hot that is but I think it is in the 500-600 range. I have a soldering gun...
  4. R

    Soldering LED strips back together

    Hey. I tried some very light stranded wire and then some light solid wire and then some heavier (20g) solid wire. All were bitchy to pull off. The 20g solid wire worked the best for a while. Thanks Russ
  5. R

    Soldering LED strips back together

    Hello again all. I was wondering if anyone has any tips on good techniques to use when soldering LED strips together. I am working with a strip of LPD 8806s that is about 3 meters long. I have had to, because of various reason, repair the strip several times. I have tried various different...
  6. R

    The battle between Teensy 3 vs MBED Freescale Freedom - who will win?

    Okey doke. I was only saying that when you want to do something tiny the Teensy wins :) In my case I needed a choice that at 3/4 inch or smaller that could be embedded in the project.
  7. R

    The battle between Teensy 3 vs MBED Freescale Freedom - who will win?

    Looks like the Freescale one is BIG. So, Teensy wins for anything that needs tiny. Freescale 52.5 by 80mm. Teensy-3 19mm by 35mm.
  8. R

    confused again. Cutting VIN from VUSB - Teensy 3.0

    Thanks, yeah I have not run them down far enough yet to see what they will look like. I am hoping to get 3 or 4 hours between recharges. I think that should be plenty, I hope ;p
  9. R

    confused again. Cutting VIN from VUSB - Teensy 3.0

    Hello again :) Hopefully, if everything works as expected the circuits cut off around 2.7v to stop from battery overdrain. Thanks.
  10. R

    confused again. Cutting VIN from VUSB - Teensy 3.0

    Good morning. Thanks for the reply and do not even concern yourself with offending me. I have been trying to digest tons of information across the last couple of months and sometimes I get very lost. Ok, a lot to digest there. I looked around for specifics on how much current the teensy and...
  11. R

    I just have to say for the record

    I have been a member of many different internet forums covering a wide array of subject matter. This forum is most definitely the most openly helpful and informative board that I have ever been a member of. Paul and Robin, you do a great job. The Teensy is a great product and you and the...
  12. R

    confused again. Cutting VIN from VUSB - Teensy 3.0

    That makes sense to this addled brain. So, in that case anything running off the 3.3 out from the processor is also getting decreased voltage. Thus if I have the sdmicro running off of the 3.3 out (and the fuel gauge and the blue tooth) they are also changing. I think I am going to try the...
  13. R

    confused again. Cutting VIN from VUSB - Teensy 3.0

    Hey, thanks for the reply. I have that now, I did not at the beginning. Somewhere between Paul's explanation of the diode and my wandering off to the step-up I realized that was the way it works. Thanks for confirming it. I originally started my project with an Arduino micro and it auto...
  14. R

    confused again. Cutting VIN from VUSB - Teensy 3.0

    Our club can be called the DFNs for "Dumb F&%$king Newbies" ;p
  15. R

    confused again. Cutting VIN from VUSB - Teensy 3.0

    Ooops on the math error, thanks for that. Yes. It is 3600mah if you believe the battery label. The 2400mah comes from what I was seeing on the meter during testing. Ok, so that is the power draw, so I would be ok just hooking it into the circuit I assume. On the 200ma on the teensy VIN...