Recent content by weigu

  1. W

    Teensy 4.1 MQTT

    Thanks I will try this :)
  2. W

    Higher ISR frequency than 1MHz on Teensy 3.6

    DDS stands for Direct Digital Synthesis. Thanks for your clarifications and the links. I'm not familiar with ARM processor and have to dig a little deeper :)
  3. W

    Higher ISR frequency than 1MHz on Teensy 3.6

    I need the interrupt for a DDS. What about hardware interrupts? Do I have to tweak the register or is there a possibility with the CMSIS interface?
  4. W

    Higher ISR frequency than 1MHz on Teensy 3.6

    Hi luni, Thanks for your awesome library. I had tried floats with the MoreTimers example from your library. The code compiled, but I had no signal on my Osci. With PeridicTimer it works now. But the highest frequency I get is about 2.2MHz and not 10MHz as expected. void pulse10ns() {...
  5. W

    Higher ISR frequency than 1MHz on Teensy 3.6

    Hi, Is there a simple possibility to get a higher interrupt frequency than 1MHz on Teensy 3.6 or Teensy 4.0? I tried the TeensyTimerTool lib (t1.beginPeriodic(ISR_x,1)), but there seems no possibility to set times under 1µs. Thanks for help. Guy
  6. W

    Teensy 4.1 MQTT

    Hi, What did you do to get this working? I get all the time "MQTT connection failed, rc=-2" Here is my code: #include <NativeEthernet.h> //for teensy 4.1 #include <PubSubClient.h> byte NETWORK_MAC[] = { 0xDE, 0xAA, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xF3, 0x08 }; IPAddress NETWORK_IP (192,168,1,31); //static...
  7. W

    Error: Upgrade Teensy Loader application

    Hi Paul, Thanks this did the trick and both versions are working now :) Greetings Guy
  8. W

    Error: Upgrade Teensy Loader application

    Hello, I installed Arduino 1.8 on Linux64 Bit (Kubuntu 16.04) with Teensyduino 1.34. When I want to compile I get this error: Please upgrade Teensy Loader application. Found version 1.30, but the minimum required is 1.33 Error compiling for board Teensy 2.0. Same with 1.8.1 and Teensyduino...