Recent content by xenox007

  1. X

    RS485 half duplex using Teensy 3.0 hardware pins

    Or you can change it for all serials in the due ide 1.5.2, and use the Serial.flush() command go to --> arduino-1.5.2\hardware\arduino\sam\cores\arduino edit in the USARTClass.CPP ( NOT UARTClass.CPP)!!!! Use the TXEMPTY flag, and not the TXRDY flag FROM : void USARTClass::flush(...
  2. X

    RS485 half duplex using Teensy 3.0 hardware pins

    This is working for rs485 on the arduino due for serial3 : while (( USART3->US_CSR & US_CSR_TXEMPTY) != US_CSR_TXEMPTY) {};