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  1. R

    Teensy++2.0 Wiz811MJREV1.0 Teensyduino 1.40 vs 1.41 Arduino 1.85

    Hi All, Ethernet stopped working when I went from Teensy 1.40 to 1.41. When I run arp I get "(incomplete)" for the MAC address. The other clue is that the GLCD.Print(After Begin) takes about 1 or 2 seconds with 1.40 but happens immediately with 1.41. Libraries used were all teensduino supplied...
  2. R

    MCP1825 3.3V Regulator and Teensy++2.0 and 5volts

    So I've got a Teensy++2.0 that I have been using with the MCP1825 3.3V regulator with power coming from USB. All is working well. But I have a need to run this particular teensy at 5Volts for a quick test on another project. Can I just jump the 5volt pad to the center pad? This will short the...
  3. R

    u8glib - Universal Graphics Library for displays

    Has anyone used this library on TeensyDuino? If so, what display/controller did you use and what was the outcome? Is there any reason to think this lib would not work with teensyduino? Lib code is here:
  4. R

    Ethernet Bootloader for Teensy?

    Is there any way I can remotely load .hex files on to a teensy ++2.0 or 2.0? Ethernet using a Wiz812 is my first choice but RS485 or other serial would be an option. The cable run is about 200 feet. Right now the only thing I can think of is using a Raspberry pi together with the teensy to load...
  5. R

    Bootloader and Watchdog Timer

    So I just tried using watchdog code I've used on 328s w/o bootloader and it works fine. So I tried similar code on the teensy++2.0. And now it seems the bootloader is out to lunch. Can not upload a new program. The code I used: #include <avr/wdt.h> int ledPin = 6; void setup() {...
  6. R

    Teensyduino Version #define?

    Hi, I'm using teensyduino with arduino IDE. Is there a #define set up so I can use it in my code to identify what version of teensyduino was used in my program? Like the ARDUINO define. Thanks, Rich