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    Adding Print class printf() format string vs arguments checking

    It is possible to get gcc to sanity check that the arguments handed to the Print class printf() functions match the format string. All you have to do is add a format attribute to their declarations in Print.h I created a github issue for this:
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    Update Teensy product page

    Paul, Could you do an update to the teensy product page here: The products listed don't match the products in the table below them. It would be nice to update the table with the current products. Thanks --- bill
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    Probably should update all your servers to use TLS 1.2

    Empty Post Empty Post
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    Teensy LED_BUILTIN is different type than in Team Arduino variants

    Starting in IDE 1.5.5 and then backported to the 1.0.6 release, LED_BUILTIN was changed from being a const int to #define While the difference will make no difference to most code, any code that is using LED_BUILTIN as conditional will break with the teensy defintion. I happen to stumble into...
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    Bug in Teensy AVR Print class

    Paul, The Teensy AVR print class has a bug in the printNumberHex(unsigned long) function. This shows up when you print uint32_t variables. If you print a number that is 8 hex digits, you won't get the proper output and it also looks like there is a buffer/stack overflow as well. Anyway, it looks...
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    Time library fails to compile on Arduino 1.5.7

    Paul, Arduino 1.5.7 ships with avr gcc 4.8.1 which requires that all AVR progmem data be const. The current DateStrings.cpp in the Time library no longer compiles. The issue seems to be the declaration for the progmem arrays of pointers. Not only do the pointers in the array need to be const...
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    printf() support in Print class

    Paul, Do you think that there is any chance in getting the Arduino guys to add printf() support to the Print() class so that all device libraries that use Print can pick up printf() support? If not, would you have any interest in adding it into Teensyduino? BTW, this is a great example of the...
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    warnings on other AVRs are errors on Teensy/Teensy++

    Paul, It appears that Teensy turns on this option: -std=c++0x which is not used on the other AVR cores. I'm guessing that is creating this "issue". I accidentally ran into this with some openGLCD code. The code is from the GLCDv3 library and I have a compatibility mode that allows most...
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    Teensy3 AVR port/pin compability macro defnition confusion.

    Teensy3 has some compatibility macros for macros like: digitalPinToPort() etc. that map pins to ports and bit masks. While the Teensy3 compatibility macros actually will work the same as the AVR versions, the macro definitions are a bit confusing at first glance. This is because of the goofy...
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    Teensy3 PROGMEM compatibilty issues

    AVR PROGMEM is such a HACK! It really makes we want to leave AVR behind for micro-controllers with better architectures.... Like ARM and PIC32. Currently the Teensyduino for Teensy3 has some AVR progmem compatibility macros in hardware/teensy/cores/teensy3/avr/pgmspace.h that allow compiling...