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  1. H

    Teensyduino compiler crash !

    I am suffering from a java crash when compiling the attached sketch (for Teensy 3.0 using 2 serial modules : Bluetooth HC-05 + SigFox TD1208) I although attached the buildprefs.txt, stderr.txt (full error text), stdout.txt contains 30 Cr&Lf. I am using Teensyduino 1.25 on Arduino 1.6.5. I have...
  2. H

    Noob ? Can I really use both sides of my Teensy 3.x at once ?

    I've seen these schematics where it is clear that every pins out of both sides may be really different. Example : PC8/A17/28 and PC6/DOUT/11 shares the same PCB hole but are clearly from different outputs on the schematic I understand that a single feature can be drained from one multiple...
  3. H

    How to avoid Teensy fake Keyboard to disable my touchpad ?

    How to avoid Teensy fake Keyboard to disable my touchpad ? [SOLVED] I am looking for a way to avoid my touchpad being deactivated when the fake Teensy keyboard is plugged in, any idea ?
  4. H

    Teensy 3.0 / Missing libraries ?

    Dear Teensy experts, I changed my OS recently (Win7 x64) and am trying to recompile an old Teensy keyboard project. Latest TeensyDuino has been installed after latest Arduino IDE. I can see and select Teensy 3.0 board, USB Type Keyboard+Mouse+Joytsick, CPU Speed 48Mhz, French keyboard layout...
  5. H

    Looking for a Teensy 3.0 with a male USB-A plug ?

    Dear readers, I would like my Teensy 3.0 to look like a classic USB key. Is there a way to connect the Teensy 3 without a cable... ==> Is Paul ready to provide me some Teensy 3.A kits with a soldered male USB-A plug instead of the female micro-USB ? Thanks for reading anyway :D
  6. H

    Any Teensy 3.0 enclosures ?

    Dear readers, As a recent Teensy 3.0 owner, I am now looking for enclosures for the Teensy 3.0 only (or wider) ==> Any known reseller ? ==> How do you package your kits ? Thanks for reading anyway