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  1. O

    SPI beginTransaction question

    Dear everyone, I am reading the "better SPI bus" document : It states that beginTransaction(SPISettings ) : Your device gains exclusive use of the SPI bus. Others will not disturb you. I am looking at the Teensy SPI library, but I am...
  2. O

    board_build.f_cpu = 72000000L

    Dear all, I have been using platformio with the Teensy for about a year now, and the -.ini file of all my projects included board_build.f_cpu = 72000000L (or other speeds that are available for the Teensy the project uses) I am sure i have copied that line from some manual when i started to...
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    Class function pointer, point to different class functions for different instances

    I have made a class to describe a serial port. It contains (settings for) the port properties, baudrate, connection status, etc. AND a small number of handling functions. I need to make three instances of this class, one of these (Port1) will be connected to DCE (Data Communication Equipment)...
  4. O

    print OR write, String or string

    Hi everyone, I am using Teensy3.0 for seemingly simple function: A system controller sends commands over Rs232 to a piece of equipment. The controller uses commands in small-case where as the equipment ignores commands in small-case but works appropriate with CAPPITALS. example: dosomething...