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  1. S

    Clock cycles for DAC?

    Hi all, I'm playing around with Teensy 3.6, attempting to generate a 134kHz sine wave via the DAC. It's working great and I'm now just trying to optimize as much as possible. When I disassemble the .elf, I find that there's a strh+movw instruction per DAC output, and ARM docs note that strh is...
  2. S

    Are interrupts slow?

    Hi all! I'm using Teensy 3.1 running at 72MHz to attempt to man-in-the-middle SPI communication between another two chips. Specifically, I have the other MCU's (master) CLK/EN lines hooked up to the Teensy and slave, and have pin 9 on the Teensy hooked up as the MOSI to the slave. I'm trying to...
  3. S

    OctoWS2811 LEDs intermittently display incorrect colors

    Hey all, Teensy has been a blast! I use it in a ton of projects, both personal and professionally. I'm working on a personal project right now working on creating a wireless mesh network of OctoWS2811 panels using the nRF24L01+ chip. It works for the most part, however intermittently (every 10...
  4. S

    Teensy as a USB network device?

    Hi all, Is Teensy capable of acting as a USB network device? Just as it can emulate a USB keyboard, I'd like to see how to emulate a USB network device -- is this technically possible and if so, suggestions on where to get started? I've started going over these two to understand how Teensy...
  5. S

    OctoWS2811 w/VideoDisplay able to run on less than 8 strips properly?

    Hi all! OctoWS2811 is awesome! Works great. However I'd like to only run 6 data lines to my LED strips (6 Teensy pins instead of 8) if possible for the VideoDisplay app -- any ideas on if this is possible easily? I'm only running 888 LEDs across 6 strips evenly. Is it trivial to adjust this...