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  1. C SAI Transmit Configuration 1 Register (TCR1), \teensy4\imxrt.h -Name issue ? SAI Transmit Configuration 1 Register (TCR1) p.1987 Correct me if I'm wrong but I was looking for I2S_TCR1_TFW(n); // Transmit FIFO Watermark in \hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy4\imxrt.h I do see: #define I2S_TCR1_RFW(n) ((uint32_t)n & 0x1f) // Receive FIFO watermark I believe...
  2. C

    Teensy 3.x Global Pin Control (Low~High) Register; PORTx_GPCLR ~ PORTx_GPCHR How-to

    PORTx_GPCLR --- PORTx_GPCHR example:) So I'm looking for Teensy 3.x example; yes I've been on the interwebs Google blah blah blah. Basically I need to Tri-State (MUX(0) pin disable) several pins on Port D in one go (direct port manipulation). I've seen plenty of this: PORTD_PCR7 =...
  3. C

    Teensy 4.0 - slow baud rate 600bps

    I don't want to bother anyone, but my teensy 4.0 isn't here yet :(. I'm aware there was a thread like this before for teensy 3.x here: Teensy-3-2-odd-results-with-Slow-Baud-rates-and-High-CPU-Speeds I'm just curious if anyone with oscilloscope or logic analyzer could help me out here. example...
  4. C

    Arduino 1.6.5-r5win + Teensyduino 1.25-beta2 + SPI.setMOSI(7) + SPI.setSCK(14)ALTpins

    I'm unable to setup the alternative SCK and MOSI pins with optimised ILI9341_t3 Library teensy 3.1 I can see the built-in LED on pin 13 blinking due to SPI activity. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? exaples/ILI9341_t3/graphicstest /*************************************************** This is our GFX...