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  1. N

    trying to work out what data protcal this is.

    Hi all, im trying to make my own auto leveler/rase/lower using teensy as the controller. the moter controller has its own remote with cable backup. i have put the remote on the scope with the cable to try and work it out. the remote has 4 pins. 2 do the same thing. goes high(1 volt) then drops...
  2. N

    help with atoi code

    hey all, im having a lil issue with this code im using. int posmin = readString.indexOf("min="); if (posmin > 0) { readString.substring(posmin + 4).toCharArray(bufmin, 3); tmin = atoi(bufmin); } everything is working but tmin = atoi(bufmin); part. i have done serial print for...
  3. N

    reading variable in web server get reply

    Hey Everyone, need some guidance in how to read and use a part of the get reply. im using a text box that i will be typing in a number between 0-255 line 164-166 client.println("<tr><td><FORM action=\".\" method=\"get\"><INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"1\" value=\"u\"><INPUT...
  4. N

    Help with 595

    no im not using tabs at the moment.
  5. N

    Help with 595

    thank you GremlinWrangler for you help!!! works like a dream now :) /* 485 serial1 pins 0&1 transmitter enable as pin 14 network pins 9-13 garage buttons 21-23 dmx pin 20 power point control 4-6 */ #include <SPI.h> #include <Ethernet.h> #include <DmxSimple.h> byte mac[] = { 0x04...
  6. N

    Help with 595

    the code i have at the moment is. will try GremlinWrangler help this afternoon when i have the project with me. /* 485 serial1 pins 0&1 transmitter enable as pin 14 network pins 9-13 garage buttons 21-23 dmx pin 20 power point control 4-6 */ #include <SPI.h> #include <Ethernet.h>...
  7. N

    Help with 595

    Hey everyone, I'm trying to setup a power board that has switched outlets controlled via relays over the network. So far I have got the web server working but can't workout how to control the 595's the way I would like to. On the web server I have a on and off button for each relay. I have...
  8. N

    wiz820io and 595 sharing spi

    hey anyone that can help :) im wanting to use the wiz820io and 595 but im unsure how to use both at the same time. do i just pull cs to the wiz high and the 595 low when ever its time to transmit to it? if this is not right then how would i go about this? thanks in advance, nick
  9. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    i had asked the above question in a new thread the problem buffer problem i had has now been solved. thank you Paul and thank you everyone else that has helped me get though this project. so now that the prototype is now...
  10. N

    need help with midi and memory

    thanks heaps Paul!!!! adding the extra 3 times almost cleared the buffer completely so added extra 2 reads just to be sure the the buffer is cleared again thanks heaps Paul!! and everyone else that has helped me with project. as that was the last bug that i had found and thanks...
  11. N

    need help with midi and memory

    hey teensy community!! need some help on this problem im having. when teensy is sending midi and the program can see all the midi messages. and visa versa where the program is sending midi the teensy can see all the midi messages and print them. but when they are both sending and reading midi...
  12. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    hey all!! have no idea if any1 is reading theses any more. but anyway. everything is working.... almost! 1st prob: when teensy is sending midi and the program its talking too isnt sending midi every thing works the way it should. even when teensy is only reading and not sending midi...
  13. N

    large matrix and what to use..

    i dont no what code u are using but a look gave me this link hope this thread helps but im out of quick help with it being via usb.
  14. N

    large matrix and what to use..

    when ur adding the teensy on jinx's ad/edit device, what device type are u useing? tpm2?
  15. N

    large matrix and what to use..

    i have never used glediator b4 so i cant help with that part. what way are u talking to the teensy? via usb or network? i have only done this via network using artnet from jinx havent used any other ways yet. but will be happy to help
  16. N

    large matrix and what to use..

    hey razataz327. with jinx just wanted to check that u have patched the teensy in the output patch and output devices and then clicked on start output?? i havent had a problem using jinx as long as i did this
  17. N

    is the led pin 13 5v tolerant?

    sweet thanks for the quick reply Paul :)
  18. N

    is the led pin 13 5v tolerant?

    hey all just wanted to check before i put 5 volts on it. i no that it says all digital pins are 5 volt tolerant but wanted to check that the led on the teensy 3.1 could handle it? or wont it light up couse im using it as a input being that it is a diode? googled and searched the forum but...
  19. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    hey every one, i have worked out that sending midi SysEx wasnt the way to go but the way i had started to go with sending midi notes. as far as i have tested it is all working!!! yay. now to work on the eagle cad of it so i can get the proto type going :) #include <Bounce.h> #include...
  20. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    hey all, back working on this project again now. :) yay finely!!! been so long sence doing any coding i had to strip the code all the way back to just buttons and add bit by bit again just to remember what bit of code did what. so now that i have cort back up i noticed the midi wasnt right as...
  21. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    So if any1 see this post and thinks here's another post with out a complete code done. I have put it on the back burner until I have time to work on this project again.
  22. N

    artnet to dmx output

    hey all, while im on a stand still with my last project (misses wont let me spend anymore money for now on it). i have decided i would try to make a artnet to dmx node as well, at lest the code anyway as i dont have any MAX485 chip laying around to use im hoping someone out there does. i have...
  23. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    never mind with the last comment. for some reason the faders wont move without the pwm being at 4096.any less it just wont work. no idea why :( i tried (0,2048,0) (0,2048,2048) (0,4095,0) (0,4095,1) (0,0,4095) (0,1,4095) non of them worked :( or it could be couse im useing 5v for the faders...
  24. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    thanks Paul. thats good to no :) i have been sraching my head trying to work this out. what im trying to do at the moment is to do with the motors on the faders at the moment faders move at full speed to the target. what i want to do is when its closer that it goes to half speed. but i cant...
  25. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    dont no if any1 is reading this or not but can anyone read over this code. i had most of it working but then i hit the problem of not having enough power to power the chips. so waiting for a new power supply so i can get every thing powered up again. and in waiting i gone crazy and put...
  26. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    hey all, im having problems with midi in as it needs to read system exclusive midi. i have been trying to get it to print out the data it gets with no luck. i am trying to get it to print out the 11bits it is being sent eg: F0 7F 7F 02 7F 06 19 01 1C 39 F7 after that i want it to ignore any...
  27. N

    Teensy USB MIDI - receive SysEx messages

    i had this prob but worked out that its couse there is another program that is using it as u can only have 1 program reading a midi devise at a time
  28. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    hey everyone, update on progress of how this is going. i fixed the last issue i was having with the code getting stuck in a loop that wasn't updating witch was y the motor never stopped. and i had fried my i2c chips pca9635 when soldering it onto a breakout board. seance gotten the adafruit...
  29. N

    clueless about i2c

    i think i may have busted the pca chip when soldering it on to a brake out board :( as even the scaner isnt picking up anything!!! :( :(
  30. N

    clueless about i2c

    thanks for the fast reply, ok so every thing i have wired is right. (expect for the wrong size pull-up's). when i get the 4.7k pull ups i will post back if it works or not. but i think it is most likely somthing i have missed in the code and data sheet :( and thanks for the lesson :)
  31. N

    clueless about i2c

    Thanks headroom, But I belive I need the PWM to be able to get over 20 kHz as to not make the motorzed fadera buzz. This option only goes to 1.6 kHz. But the lib should come in handy I hope. Thanks Michael, I don't have 4.7k. But I had 10k so I tryed with the 10k and without. I have to go to...
  32. N

    clueless about i2c

    hey all im so clueless about how to write for a i2c device. this is what i have managed to work out from the data sheet im using a pca9635 to get 16 move PWM pins //#include <i2c_t3.h> #include <Wire.h> int led = 13; void setup(){ // Wire.begin(I2C_MASTER, 0x00, I2C_PINS_18_19...
  33. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    hey all, i added some lines of code that sorta fixed the problem i am having with the encoder to midi void loop(){ long newEnc0; newEnc0=; if((newEnc0/4) > (old0Enc0/4)){ if ((old0Enc0/4) == (old1Enc0/4)){ usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(1,127,5); delayMicroseconds(5)...
  34. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    s now i am working on the encoders. I have it working and out putting to midi but im having trouble with it going back and forth when only turning it 1 way. #include <Encoder.h> Encoder myEnc0 (9,8); int led = 13; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(led...
  35. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    hey all, got buttons done with help from Nantonos #include <Bounce.h> const byte sensor0 = 14; const byte sensor1 = 15; const byte transmitA = 2; const byte transmitB = 3; const byte transmitC = 4; const byte reciverA = 5; const byte reciverB = 6; const byte reciverC = 7; int i = 0; int led =...
  36. N

    matrix of buttons to USBMIDI help

    never mind found the problem!! i had a } not in the right spot!! had it at the end when it should have been b4 the midi messages
  37. N

    matrix of buttons to USBMIDI help

    now i have condensed it a bit. i thought i was doing it right but in my MIDI window its showing the note on and note off when they should but 64 times. i changed for (i=0;i<=63;i++) to (i=0;i<=6;i++) and then my MIDI window showed it 7 times (but of course it's not reading though all the buttons...
  38. N

    matrix of buttons to USBMIDI help

    so now i have gone all the way back to very basic!!!! this code is only 6/128 done as i only did it up to where i had buttons contected and it works #include <Bounce.h> const byte sensor0 = 14; const byte sensor1 = 15; const byte transmitA = 2; const byte transmitB = 3; const byte transmitC...
  39. N

    matrix of buttons to USBMIDI help

    yes, then have it send midi note on/off ok so this code i have here is just the button matrix with only serial print and its working fine ever sense i got it to work as digital buttons instead of analog buttons. const byte sensor0 = 14; //4051(1) input const byte sensor1 = 15...
  40. N

    matrix of buttons to USBMIDI help

    thanks nantonos, when a button is pushed v prints out the number of the button that is being pushed. so with this i was hoping that where it is would say the button number and the program would work. but it dont :( i did even try ((v==1).fallingEdge()) still didnt work :( looking at all...
  41. N

    matrix of buttons to USBMIDI help

    hey everyone, i have been stuck on this for around a week now!! im having a issue trying to send midi over usb the code i am using is this #include <Encoder.h> #include <Bounce.h> const byte sensor0 = 14; const byte sensor1 = 15; const byte fader0 = A8; const byte touch0 = 0; const byte...
  42. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    ok so i have sorta worked out the usb midi for the buttons. #include <Encoder.h> #include <Bounce.h> const byte sensor0 = 14; const byte sensor1 = 15; const byte fader0 = A8; const byte touch0 = 0; const byte transmitA = 2; const byte transmitB = 3; const byte transmitC = 4; const byte...
  43. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    the only way i can think of getting it to work is maybe this way // select 74HC4051 channel 5 (of 0 to 7) digitalWrite(1, HIGH); digitalWrite(2, LOW); digitalWrite(3, HIGH); // allow 50 us for signals to stablize delayMicroseconds(50); // read the signals routed to pins 10...
  44. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    hey guys i really am stuck trying to work out how to get the usbmidi to work with the matrix of buttons!!! can any1 point me in the right direction or do maybe button 25 with the code i posted earlier?
  45. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    hey guys! so i changed some of the code so that the buttons work as digital (finerly got it working(dont no what i was doing wrong)) and the faders still work at analog. #include <Encoder.h> const byte sensor0 = 14; const byte sensor1 = 15; const byte fader0 = A8; const byte transmitA = 2...
  46. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    so untill now i hadn't connected anything to A7 on the 4051's and for some reason that i cant see in the code when im using the serial print in the loop not in the setup of the code posted earlyer its returning the readings on A7. as well as any button that i hit @ Pensive. every thing i think...
  47. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    d'oh!!!! i knew i forgot something else from the schematic. i have 10k resisters (resistor)--(button)--(button)--(button)--(4051)--(teensy) i never even thought of putting it between the teensy and the 4051.
  48. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    thanks pensive, but nothing about the teensy is beneath me, we are always learning! but i do not no what blockwriting is :S
  49. N

    motorized faders via midi usb

    hey is anyone reading anything i post??? i have a strange problem with my teensy!! at the moment im working on getting a matrix of 8*16 to work and this code i have just got working but when i upload this code const byte sensor0 = 20; const byte sensor1 = 21; const byte reciverA = 14; const...
  50. N

    My code behaving weirdly for 22 x pots with 3 x 4051 Mux's - Teensy2

    hey garthtaylor, im working on a project that is going to use around 8 of the 4051s im still in the testing stage so im only using 3 at the moment. im not very good at reading the code so this is mine that im useing at the moment const byte sensor0 = 16;// where the multiplexer in/out const...