Search results

  1. L

    TEENSY 3.1 + 2.8" TFT Touch Shield from ADAFRUIT

    Hi all, please help me. I bought '2.8" TFT Touch Shield for Arduino with Resistive Touch Screen' from and want to connect to TEENSY 3.1. Wired follow by scheme (see below). For this I used library 'Adafruit_ILI9341-master' somewhere from github. But display just shine. Can someone...
  2. L

    Teensy 3.1 + ENC28J60

    Hi all. I have Teensy 3.1 and ethernet module ENC28J60. I want Teensy to do UDP server. how to connect teensy 3.1 with this module? module ENC28J60 has pins: INT, CLK, SO, WOL, SCK, SI, RST, CS 3.3V, 5V, GND teensy pins for SPI are: CS(10), DOUT(11), DIN(12), SCK(13) teenssy ->...
  3. L

    Teensy 3.1 and keyboard

    How can I connect USB keyboard to Teensy 3.1 and received the data and then shift to serial line? Is enought to solder 100 micro F capacitor and 5V extern supplier? Which option should be used in Tools->USB Options? the code can be like this?: String sStr; int led = 13; void setup() {...
  4. L

    Connect Teensy 3.1 with scanner (USB keyboard)

    Hi all. I am new with Teensy and need help. I need to connect USB barcode scanner to Teensy 3.1, read data, adjust the data and send via UART 1 to another device. Teensy must be a host for scanner. I coppy and try to adjust some code: #include <HardwareSerial.h> Serial USB = Serial(); Serial2...