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  1. raphaelcno

    SPI CS0 pins as inputs on Teensy 3.5/3.6

    I tried to go through most of the long thread, but didn't find any information about following question: Traditionally the SPI CS pin 10 must be used as an output to avoid conflict with SPI functionality...
  2. raphaelcno

    Teensy Loader lost connection with new Teensy 3.1

    Hello, I've started to test my first Teensy 3.1 that I ordered from SparkFun. - I connected a USB cable to Teensy, then the LED was blinking. OK. - I installed Teensy Loader 1.17, uploaded blink_fast_Teensy31.hex on Teensy, then the LED was blinking fast. OK. - I installed Arduino 1.0.6 and...