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  1. L

    Panorama Controller

    This is a panorama controller device that I've built around a Teensy LC and a couple Pololu stepper drivers. What it does is move the camera around in precise positions to take multiple photos that can be stitched later into a high-resolution image, or even an (almost) full 360 sphere. All it...
  2. L

    Portable way to use library only for Teensy, not Arduino

    I'd like to have my application compile on both Arduino and Teensy, which I've been able to do so far because I used ported libraries. But now I need to use a library only available for Teensy (pedvide-ADC, for instance). If I add the header file to the ino file, even surrounded by #if...
  3. L

    OctoWS2811 and APA102 LED strips

    I just got a new APA102 LED strip and I just realized that the OctoWS2811 I have on order might not work with those. If it has only buffer chips, would the only problem that I can drive half the number of strips (because now I have CLK+DATA instead of just DATA) ? Would the library OctoWS2811 be...
  4. L

    Tiny Scope

    I realize this is just a toy, but it's still fun to play with and pretty useful when I need to see whether the pins are signaling or just floating around. A picture is worth a thousand words: There's an automatic voltmeter mode that kicks in when the input is relatively stable and I'd be...
  5. L

    display only works when in IDE - Teensy 3.1 with SSD1306 I2C,

    I have a Teensy 3.1 and an OLED display with GND, VCC, SDA, SCL. I can run the ssd_1306_128x64_i2c library demo which runs fine when uploaded from the IDE. If I disconnect the USB cable and reconnect again however, the display stays dark but the code is running (I placed some blinks around to...