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  1. S

    Bare Metal Programming on Teensy-LC

    By cross checking the Teensy-LC port of sample bare metal program ( against "hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy3" code and MKL26Z64 reference-manual, I realized that the MKL26Z64 does not have the Watch Dog Timer which that is disabled in the original...
  2. S

    Bare Metal Programming on Teensy-LC

    Thank you for the information, and advice. I will check the changes a I have made against, given that the loader behaviour on the Teensy-LC sounds similar to the Teensy-3.1, if I can get the LED to flash, that would be good basis for exploration. I have...
  3. S

    Bare Metal Programming on Teensy-LC

    Hi, I am hoping to learn about the low level details of the ARM Cortex-M0+ by doing some bare metal programming on the Teensy-LC, but I am finding to hard to get started. Initially I tried to get started by porting a sample bare metal program for the Teensy-3.1...