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  1. E

    SPI weirdness: transfer() returns before finished

    Hi! I was wondering if anybody could help me make sense of the following. I made a PCB that hosts a Teensy 4.1 and various IC's that communicate over I2C and SPI including six MAX31865 RTD-to-Digital Converters. I'm trying to get the Teensy to communicate with one (any) of the MAX31865's over...
  2. E

    Teensy 3.5 Hardware Serial pause sending (Software controlled CTS)

    Hi, I'm dealing with a situation where it would be great to be able to control the "Clear to Send" (CTS) signal of Serial1 using software. I see I can enable CTS flow control using Serial1.attachCts(pin) where pin can be 18 or 20, but what I'm looking for is something like Serial1.pause() and...
  3. E

    MultiWS2811 - Simultaneously Control 128 WS2811/Neopixel LED strips

    After having done multiple projects using an increasing number of WS2811-based LEDs, I hit a point where more channels were needed than OctoWS2811 could provide. That's why I created a library and an adaptor board for the Teensy 3.6 that allows 128 channels of WS2811-based LEDs to be controlled...
  4. E

    Connecting one Teensy 3.x digital output to many IC's input

    Hi, For a circuit I'm designing I need to connect one digital output of a Teensy to the inputs of multiple 74HCT257 multiplexer IC's. To be more precise, I have 32 74HCT257's and the signal from one output needs to connect to four input pins on each IC for a total of 128 connections. The signal...
  5. E

    Simultaneously start multiple timers

    For a project which requires precise timings, I'm trying to align three PWM signals from three different timers; one 12 MHz, one 1.5 MHz and one 0.75 MHz signal. As far as I understand this would require all three timers to start counting at the same time from 0. The only problem is that I can't...
  6. E

    Periodically interrupting PWM signal using DMA

    Hi, I've been trying to create a high frequency PWM signal which is periodically interrupted by a lower frequency PWM signal. By studying the OctoWS2811 library and the MK20DX256 Manual I've created the code below. I'm using two timers; FTM1, which creates the to be modulated signal and FTM2...
  7. E

    Teensy Audio: AudioOutputUSB only working when combined with different AudioOutput

    Hi! I've ran into a bug in the Teensy audio library when playing audio over USB. Apparently "AudioOutputUSB" only works when there is also a different audio output (like AudioOutputAnalog) present in the sketch. The following code should send a sound over USB but it only works when...
  8. E

    Teensy 3.1 crashing, memory problem?

    Hi, I'm working on the code of an installation that uses a teensy 3.1 with OctoWS2811 to control leds. Here is a bit of an old video of the installation to get an idea: This "Creative Mind" artistically represents a neural network with the spheres...