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  1. T

    MIDI library + Capacitive sensor Library Problems

    Helllo, I'm having a strange issue with Capsense Library and the MIDI library running on a Teensy LC. My program utilizes 12 capacitive sensors that act as triggers to send MIDI notes. When I use my code using usbMIDI, I have no issues at all, everything runs smoothly and the sensor response is...
  2. T

    Connecting 10+ teensys to read 140+ sensors

    Hello, I have some noob questions about using multiple teensys with a single computer. I am working on a project idea that would require 140+ capacitive touch sensors (in the form of large copper pipes) being read in realtime with the need for musical response times (less than 8ms delay when...
  3. T

    Play RAW from Serial Flash

    Welp, the flash chip wasn't wired up! I haven't had my coffee yet... Thanks for the quick response Paul. Another (newbie) question about flash chips: Are the winbond chips the only ones that are compatible? They are the only ones listed on the audio board page so I figured as much. But I'm...
  4. T

    Play RAW from Serial Flash

    Hi, I'm having some issues copying raw audio files from the SD card to the SPI flash. When I try to copy, I get this in the serial monitor: Copy all files from SD Card to SPI Flash ~1.TRA 4096 In addition, I'm having similar issues that @dsparks posted above with the flash chip hardware...
  5. T

    Polyphonic Audio Sampler Memory

    Hey all, I'm trying to build a instrument of sorts using capacitive sensors and sample playback using teensy 3.1 and the audio board. I'm using 9 bowls of water as my triggers, and want to (ideally) have 9 voice polyphony (all 9 samples can be played back at the same time) as it is meant to be...