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  1. scharkalvin

    Teensy 4.0 SPI pins

    The pinout diagram for the Teensy 4.0 seems to be missing the MISO1 pin. There are pins for MOSI1, and SCK1. (CS1 is also missing, but in most cases ANY pin can be assigned for that). There are pins for MISO2, MOSI2, SCK2, and CS2, though they seem to be dedicated to the built in SD card...
  2. scharkalvin

    Teensy 4 upload problem

    I have teensyduino running on Kubuntu. I tried the teensy blink demo sketch. It compiles fine, but won't upload to teensy 4.0. I verified I have the right serial port selected, and teensy usb is in serial/bootload mode. I get a popup instructing to press the bootload button on the board...
  3. scharkalvin

    Using teensy audio library with SAMD processors?

    I bought a Teensy audio board hoping to use it with an Adafruit SAMD board (I now also have a T4). Is the library compatible with any Arm Cortex M0+, M4, or M7 processor having an I2S interface to use this codec board?
  4. scharkalvin

    can you share the i2c interface with the audio library?

    Can I use the "wire0" i2c pins with another i2c device (IE: Si5351 clock gen) while using the audio library with the Teensy Audio board?
  5. scharkalvin

    I2C and audio library

    I know that the I2c "wire0" is used by the audio library for the audio board. It should be possible to share this interface HW with another I2C device (such as an Si5351 clock generator) provided there isn't an I2C address conflict. But will the audio library software allow this?
  6. scharkalvin

    Teensy 4 round pads, where do they go?

    The back side of the Teensy 4 has several round pads that are not labeled on the schematic or the color pin drawing. There are 4 such pads between the rectangular pads for "pins" 24-33, another one just to the right side of pads 27 and 29, and two more near the USB host pads and pads 34-39...