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  1. S

    Two-wheeled balancing robot

    Thank you all for your help. After several days of fiddling around with source code, my robot is responding to IMU signals and attempting to balance. I'm still a ways off from stable control, but your input was very helpful.
  2. S

    Two-wheeled balancing robot

    Nobody here has worked with a MPU6050? Help with any of these questions would save my project. I've hit a brick wall in terms of progress. Thank you
  3. S

    Two-wheeled balancing robot

    Hello everyone, I am a hardware amateur, and am building a robot that balances on two wheels as my first project. This is very difficult for me so I'm running into a few problems. My robot is built from: Teensy 3.2 MPU6050 DRV8835 HC-05 1) Out of the many open source libraries available, I...