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  1. M

    Using Joystick code without Arduino IDE?

    Got it figured out! Re: includes - the #include "WProgram.h" includes all the libraries in the teensy3 folder already! The solution: for some reason #define USB_HID doesn't work. You have to change the Makefile includes from USB_SERIAL to USB_HID. The configurable options will look like this...
  2. M

    Using Joystick code without Arduino IDE?

    Hi Paul - thanks for the rapid response. I went back to the drawing board, using your bare Teensyduino materials (instead of the teensy-template). Still, I get the same problem. /Applications/ -std=gnu++0x -felide-constructors...
  3. M

    Using Joystick code without Arduino IDE?

    I want to do a custom Joystick project (following Kenton's guide, and maybe referencing some Djinny's work) without the Arduino IDE. I want to dive into more behind-the-scenes C code and get some practice with that world. The problem is of course that things get really complicated quite quickly...