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  1. S

    Arduino 2.0.3 FQBN Error

    I am trying to get a project to work with Arduino 2.0.2 which did work once or twice and I can get to work with Arduino 1.8.19 I select Teensy 4.1 and the Port and the USB type (Raw Hid project) and I get Invalid FQBN: not an FQBN...
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    USB HID Development.

    Hi, I have some projects I am interested in pushing forward to make simple HID units that are easily identifiable with a number of different names and inputs/outputs. Nothing very complex, but it requires repeated hacks of the USB header files etc. (Rather beyond my skill set) I assume someone...
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    XBox Controller & Teensy Joystick coexist

    I would like to have a standard XBox controller working alongside a Teensy joystick. At the moment if I use both, the teensy overwrite the values form the XBox and vv. Is there an easy way (without going down the USB Rabbit hole) to make the Joystick.send_now(); not conflict with the XBox. I...
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    ArduServer and UDP Receiver Sender combined

    Hi, I have a program running on a Teensy 4.1 that receives a packet over UDP and re-sends it to a number of IPs and Ports on an interrupt. I can configure the IPs and Ports over Serial but it is a little clunky, I figured I could use ArduServer and write a simple form page that could allow...
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    Stepper output from a motion controller

    I have a motion controller system that works on sending position updates every 20ms. It work great for servos, but the issue I have with steppers is the 50Hz is not synchronous to the stepper output as it is continuously varying and I believe that simply outputting a varying speed to a stepper...
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    Yes, another ST7789 Display

    Has anyone had luck with this display? It's from BuyDisplay and is pretty cheap and has a CS line so in theory you can put other SPI peripherals on the SPI port I get some graphics test functions...
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    Teensy DMX Shield

    Does anyone have a circuit for a DMX on Teensy Shield. I want to make a DMX sniffer that can read DMX commands to test a Artnet->DMX connection. The Arduino one would work, but I'd love to use the Teensy 4.1. This would only need to read, not write DMX so it unusual. Thanks, Simon
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    Change the IP of Teensy 4.1 using UDP (again)

    Using an SPI with the teensy 3,2, I can change the IP relative easily from say to .237 but when I do it with the 4.1, it does not respond to the new IP address. This code works for me with Teensy3.2 Any suggestions?. It's not a deal breaker but would be nice to get it to work...
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    Teensy HID Output Capabilities.

    I have a Teensy 3.2 working as a Gamepad and I am getting a joystick and multiple button states coming in so that is all working fine. I would like to light an LED that is wired to the teensy, but per my control software the device has no output capabilities...
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    Help with timer and timing interrupts

    (Thought I posted this before, but can't see any indication it's on the forum). Need some suggestions on how to go about the following: I have a working 20ms ISR, and I need to start a timer that will count up to 625000 by the end of the 20ms period. If a pulse arrives on a pin during this...
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    Teensy 4.1 NativeEthernet IP change

    I can change the IP address of my Teensy 3.2 using the following code. IPAddress ip(192,168,1,234); void ipchange(ipaddr newval) { IPAddress new_ip(newval.addr0, newval.addr1, newval.addr2, newval.addr3); sprintf(szText, "Ip was %u.%u.%u.%u, now %u.%u.%u.%u", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]...
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    Teensy with 2 Wiz820io units

    Hi, Anyone know if it is possible to have 2 of the Wiz820io units on a teensy. I have tried and I can get one or the other to work but not both at the same time. If I enable both only one works. Possible to do with the chip select line. (Or a code error?) /* Dual EtherNET C0nnect up 2...
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    Multiple Slaves on SPI

    I have been trying to get a handle on running more than one device on SPI when the settings are different. There are a few threads on this and it seems other people are having issues too. I have the Adafruit TFT using Paul's faster library and to works fine. I have a Wiznet 821io and as I...
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    Teensy 3.6 Breakout Board SPI Design conflict Issue

    I have built a break out board for using the Teensy 3.6 on a variety of different projects. It has the IL19341 Display with Touch Screen, 2 RS232 serial Ports 1 RS422 serial port, a debug TTL serial port and a Network Board - the Wiznet 820 IO as well as connections for taking the other pins to...
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    Change Teensy HID Capabilities

    I have a single axis joystick I have wired to a Teensy 3.2 and would like it to coexist with an XBox style Game Pad, but they both return the first 5 Joystick values and so conflict. If I could remove them from the standard teensy joystick capabilities that would solve the issue. Does anyone...
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    Teensy HID with XBox Controller

    I am using an XBox controller and wanted to add a single axis joystick input from a Teensy being an HID. I got this working using an un-used joystick input on the XBox. // Not used by the Game Pad Joystick.Zrotate(analogRead(0)); This is fine but the Joystick send values conflict with the XBox...
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    Advantage of HardareSerial over Serial?

    Hi, Is here any advantage using HardwareSerial over just using the straight SerialN I only need standard 8N1 and I can assign the pins to the alt serial posts as needed. Thanks. Teensy3.6 I have ethernet and 4 serial ports working, mostly just curious. #define RS232B Serial1...
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    Teensy 3.6 with Ethernet

    I'm planning on making a board to break out the pins from the Teensy 3.6 for various hardware projects I have pending. I would like to add Ethernet to that board and there seem to be 3 routes to take. I can use the WIZ820io board, I could use a Wiznet WIZ812MJ or maybe take the components...