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  1. G

    Teensy 4.1 crashing when closing SD card file after read.

    I'm going to try and keep this simple. After upgrading from: Arduino 1.8.8, TeensyDuino 1.4.5 to Arduino 1.8.19, Teensyduino 1.56 My SD card code for reading data from files no longer works. It now crashes the T4.1. I have tested on T3.5 and it crashes now as well. This is code that previously...
  2. G

    Teensy 4.1, RA8875 Display. Teensy reboots after entering Loop()

    EDIT: Ignore title of post. Solved the rebooting issue immediately after posting. It was a duplicate instance of tft that was being created in setup function.. edited it out of code below. Fine if an admin wants to delete this thread. Here is the real problem: I am working on changing a...
  3. G

    Switching Product from T3.5 to T4.1

    I'm starting to work on switching my product from the T3.5 to the T4.1 for obvious reasons. I've shipped almost 350 units with T3.5 but I am down to my last 20(ish) T3.5's on hand. Here are the areas of concern I have with functionality that I'm using with the T3.5. I'm trying to find and...
  4. G

    T3.5 Locks Up when assigning Long to Float... (Surprised)

    Just a thought for discussion on something that Surprised me. I have an Array of Floats, a Long, and an Int. float graphData[80][2]; long weight = 0; int graphPoint = 0; The code below was locking up the T3.5. Why? graphPoint = 0; graphData[graphPoint][1] = weight; << Locks up here...
  5. G

    Teensy 3.2 INPUT_PULLUP. Problems with Pushbutton

    Hello All, I am stuck on a seemingly simple problem.. I build a product using the T3.2. I have built and shipped about 120 units that have all worked great. Thanks Paul for the great product. I have now assembled 10 more units that need to ship and most of them are having problems with 2...
  6. G

    Teensy 3.2 using Mahony/Madgwick AHRS. Should it be this Slow...

    Maybe this is a simple question but I cant seem to find an answer. How long should it take for the Heading (Yaw) to converge once it is rotated 90 degrees when using Mahony filter(or Madgwick..). My setup seems to take at least 15 Seconds to converge and stabilize when I rotate the board 90...
  7. G

    Teensy 3.2, Using AGND or GND when using external AREF?

    Hi All, I am going with a LM4132 Precision Voltage Reference to supply AREF for a Potentiometer Measurement. My question is whether to tie my 10k Potentiometer into AGND or GND? My concern with using AGND is that the LM4132 Voltage Reference is getting...
  8. G

    Teensy 3.2 Analog Input using LM4040 3V Reference

    Hi All, I was planning on using an LM4040 or similiar 3V-3.3V Precision Voltage Reference for an Analog Input from a String Pot. I ran across this thread where Paul Mentioned *Not* to use the AREF Pin when measuring Pots...