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  1. F

    audio shield + OCTOWS2811 = physically incompatible?

    I'm developing a project that includes a Teensy 3.2 + audio shield and will incorporate neopixels + OCTOWS2811 adaptor. I'm a beginner with a mentor to help me but I'm trying to gather as much info as possible ahead of time. I've already purchased the OCTOWS2811 adaptor because I knew it would...
  2. F

    Teensyduino 1.26 for Audio Tutorial

    Hi, The audio tutorial kit specifies that I need to use Teensyduino 1.26 (in combination with Arduino 1.6.5 or 1.6.6) but it's not available for download. I successfully installed Arduino 1.6.5 and Teensyduino 1.36 (because it's the only available version of TD I could find on PJRC or...