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  1. D

    Teensy Audio Adapter board together with OctoWS2811

    I'm doing a larger scale project with 1-2k RGB LEDS using the FFT capabilities of the audio library. I'm very much a beginner, and I've seen this question posted before many times but haven't been able to make much of it. I just had a few questions: Are there any advantages to using the audio...
  2. D

    Line In Audio on Teensy Audio Adapter

    Great, thanks so much! I noticed there are two ground holes--does it matter which one I solder the ground of the stereo jack to?
  3. D

    Line In Audio on Teensy Audio Adapter

    Super simple question, but I'm new to working with Teensy so I need some help--would I be fine simply wiring an audio jack component's leads to the corresponding holes on the Teensy audio board (assuming it's getting a driven signal from a laptop) or would I need some intervening circuitry...
  4. D

    Connecting to external board for additional memory

    Ok, it seems hardware serial would be a good solution here--would I need a 74HCT245 (or similar level shifter IC) for that serial communication (I've only got one Teensy at the moment so it'd have to be with an Arduino Mega) or would I be fine just wiring up the RX/TX pins?
  5. D

    Connecting to external board for additional memory

    Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely look into getting an OctoWS adapter. Is it possible to stack it with a teensy audio adapter, and in either case how would you recommend setting up two devices to communicate (if not over I2S)?
  6. D

    Connecting to external board for additional memory

    I'm doing a project driving a large amount (144) LEDs using Adafruit's NeoPixel library with FFT data and the wanted to use an external ATMega 2560-based board to drive them (there's enough memory on the 2560 to drive the project where the Teensy seems to have some trouble and it has 5V power)...