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  1. G

    Small issue with boards.txt

    I'm using Makefiles rather than the Arduino IDE from and it supports Teensy nicely except for a small problem. It reads the boards.txt file for a few items and when it grabs F_CPU it looks for the highest frequency. Current your boards.txt has defines...
  2. G

    Using Teensy 3.2 with Audio Adapter Board and Prop Shield

    I just need the audio on the audio shield and the sensors on the prop shield (no SPI Flash or APA102 needed) so I was figuring I could just take out the SPI Flash on the Prop Shield and I would have no conflicts. Does that look reasonable? Or cut the pins on the interboard connector for pins 6...
  3. G

    Using Teensy 3.2 with Audio Adapter Board and Prop Shield

    I have an application where I want to combine the teensy 3.2 with the Audio Shield and the Prop Shield. I gave the schematic a look and there are some pins used by both. It looks like I'd just need to remove the W25Q64FV on the prop shield (or cut the traces on pins 6, 11, 12 and 13) so that it...