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  1. R

    Teensy4 Serial.printf() won't print two numbers

    I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but here goes. The code (which I would expect to print two numbers, one monotonically increasing value and the current results of millis()) refuses to print anything other than zero for the second parameter (it doesn't matter what that second value is)...
  2. R

    Getting AdaFruit DOTStar LED matrix working over SPI

    I'm trying to get this LED matrix working over SPI on Teensy 4 (using pins 11 and 13 for DIN and CLK), but it seems like nothing at all is happening. One weird thing: If I don't #include <Wire.h> explicitly, the program doesn't compile (the dependency isn't loaded transitively, but it is loaded...
  3. R

    PWM on Teensy 4.0?

    I'm trying to generate PWM signals on Teensy 4.0. Is the information on this page still valid for 4.0?
  4. R

    How to reset Teensy 4.0?

    I have the following code in a library for resetting Teensy 3.x. #ifdef CORE_TEENSY // Software reset macros / MMap for Cortex M3-based boards (possibly others?) // see , under "Application Interrupt...
  5. R

    CAN-FD on Teensy 4.0: Which pins?

    The product page and pinout for Teensy 4.0 says that there are "3 CAN Bus (1 with CAN FD)". Which pins should I use for CAN-FD? CTX3/CRX3?
  6. R

    How to tell if TeensyStep controller is still moving, or has reached its setPoint?

    I'm using the excellent TeensyStep library to control stepper motors in my project. It's definitely made some things easier. There doesn't seem to be any API to access the private 'target' member in the Stepper class, nor any API in the controller to determine if the controller has reached it's...
  7. R

    TWCR register not defined on Teensy?

    Hi all, I'm trying to use the platformio-managed library WiiChuck, for integrating with a Wiimote nunchuck control on Teensy 3.2. But it looks like, somewhere in the guts of this library is a check, to only call Wire.begin() if I2C isn't already running. They do this by checking the TWCR...
  8. R

    [Teensy 3.2] Help! Can't get basic Teensyduino servo example working?

    Using Teensy 3.2, and the pinout card (this one), I copy/pasted the Servo.h example from here, plugged in a servo (powered by a separate 5V supply) on pin 20, and uploaded and ran the code. Literally nothing happens. The Serial output is showing that the loop is executing ( I see the values...