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  1. J

    Teensy Program Pin, what is it and what does it do?

    I am investigating the Program pin that exists on many of the Teensys as a solution to reprogram the Teensy when automatic programming doesn't go through (why does this happen?) and the button is inaccessible. I imagine it works something like the reset pin, but causing the Teensy to reprogram...
  2. J

    i2c_t3 basic example returns FAIL

    Trying to run the basic_master_callback (on Teensy 3.6) and basic_slave (on Teensy LC) examples from the Teensy i2c_t3 library, in an attempt to help myself understand several other i2c communication problems I am having, just seems to lead to more problems! My setup is shown in the picture...
  3. J

    Problem using alternative i2c lines with accelerometer

    I am having trouble making an i2c comms connection using a Teensy 3.6 and I2C lines SCL0 on pin 7 and SDA0 on pin 8, with an Adafruit 9-DOF IMU breakout, specifically LSM303DLHC and L3GD20 ( I can communicate with the device perfectly well...
  4. J

    Problem converting Adafruit IMU Library to use i2c_t3

    I am working on a project using a Teensy 3.6 that requires use of multiple I2C interfaces, hence I have converted the libraries I am using from Wire.h to i2c_t3.h My problem is in converting the 'Adafruit_L3GD20_U' library provided by Adafruit for their IMU LSM303DLHC_L3GD20 (9 DOF) to use with...