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  1. R

    Teensy3.6 interface with Minipc through rosserial. Data update issue.

    Before you all say post on ROS forum, let me tell you I believe the issue is somewhere on the coding becuas eit is somehow reading serial data but not updating frequently. Hello Everyone, This is my first time working with ROS and integrating with Teensy3.6. I am working on receiving GPS data...
  2. R

    Teensy3.6 serial communication.. issue ?

    Hello, I need to ask how to read serial data on teensy 3.6 I am working on a task to read GPS data that is available on the serial coming from mini pc. I have to read the data from serial and save it in SD-storage. At this point, I have not purchased GPS module wondering if I could make fake...
  3. R

    SD-card writing making program slow ? Why

    A few days ago, I posted about how I want to get data from IMU sensor and store the values for every 3 seconds in the builtin SD-card of Teensy3.6. After resolving few issues that were at first priority, I am faced up with the new one that is indeed not bearable in my task. I am writing data...
  4. R

    Teensy3.6 Serial comm. error

    Hello, I am working on teensy3.6 board to work with IMU sensor EBIMU-9DOFV4. My end result is to get IMU sensor value through serial comm and print them on serial monitor while saving them in the Sd-card also. My first effort in printing on serial is going pointless as I am unable to get the...