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  1. D

    Design of Print.printf

    Yet another printf() post ;-) I've been looking into Teensyduino's Print.printf because I'm implementing a Tee Print class with multiple outputs and I wanted to make sure that the printf formatting would happen only once. That is solved, but I have a few questions: (1) Print.cpp uses vdprintf...
  2. D

    Hardfault handlers on Teensyduino 1.54

    I found that after upgrading to Teensyduino 1.54 my custom hardfault handlers did not get called any more. Here's the result of my investigations for future reference. The cause is this commit. What it does is enable exception handlers for memory, bus and usage faults. This means that these...
  3. D

    Non-volatile data for debugging RTWDOG reset?

    I'm trying to debug the causes of a RTWDOG reset by saving some state to non-volatile memory. A single bit would be useful, 13 bytes would be perfect. Does the Teensy4 have any memory that - would persist after a RTWDOG reset - is fast enough to write within the 255 cycles of the interrupt...