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  1. E

    Teensy 4 option for 100 kohm or 47 kohm pull-up setting instead of 22 kohm default

    Adding all available Pullup resistors to Teensduino As I needed other values as pullup resistors, I added in core_pins.h: (directory: ...\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\teensy\hardware\avr\1.58.1\cores\teensy4) #define INPUT_PULLUP47k 6 #define INPUT_PULLUP100k 7 and in digital.c at...
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    Teensy 4.x H/W Quadrature Encoder Library

    I want to use the QuadEncoder + Interrupts on PinA and PinB. It seems that switsching the Pins (2 and 3) with the XBAR to the encoder disabled the interrupts and vice versa, attaching interrupts to the Pins, disables the QuadEncoder. The later blocks the former. Any idea to habe Filtering of...
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    Large SPI Transfers on Teensy

    Thanks for the great information. I am looking for one more feature: SPI on the Teensy has SPI.transfer with the eventResponder and SPI.transfer32 (without event). Is there a simple way to combine 32 Bit transfer and enabling the event_Responder? Best regards
  4. E

    Using XBAR_INOUT for input and output at the same time

    Thanks for this hint. Works nice! :) CCM_CCGR2 |= CCM_CCGR2_XBAR1(CCM_CCGR_ON); //turn clock on for xbara1 //CCM_CCGR3 |= CCM_CCGR3_AOI1(CCM_CCGR_ON); xbar_connect( XBARA1_IN_AOI1_OUT0, XBARA1_IN_IOMUX_XBAR_INOUT06); //This connects XBAR1_AOI1 to XBAR1_OUT6...
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    Using XBAR_INOUT for input and output at the same time

    Actually, one pin as input and output would work, but this is not what I want to do. My problem is that I want to use one signal (not actually at a PIN, but somewhere inside the processor) for several outputs. I hoped to use LOGIC_LOW, LOGIC_HIGH for one input of XBAR and use the output of this...
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    Using XBAR_INOUT for input and output at the same time

    Hi, in order to synchronize resets I wanted to use one XBAR_InOut for several signals and put the state with LOGIC_LOW, LOGIC_HIGH for one XBAR_InOut, which is than routed to all the other signals. But it seems that I have to choose if I use any InOut as input or output, but not both at the...
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    Large SPI Transfers on Teensy

    -> KurtE This is realy great stuff! Thanks for the post Edmund
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    SPI on Teensy 4.0

    As the ISP program compiled without errors on a different computer, I made a complete new installation and it works.
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    SPI on Teensy 4.0

    I try to use SPI on Teensy 4.0. I installed the library SPI-master from github, but I get error messages when compiling: C:\Users\Koch\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_47759\sketch\SPI_Test.ino.cpp.o: In function `setup': C:\Users\Koch\Documents\Arduino\Teensy\SPI_Test/SPI_Test.ino:31...
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    PWM Interrupt on Teensy 4.0

    Thanks Paul, FLEXPWM2_SM0STS |= FLEXPWM_SMSTS_RF; // Clear Reload was missing in the IE-Routine. Clearing is done by writing a 1 to the bit, a little strange but explained on page 3100 in the Processor Reference Manual.
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    PWM Interrupt on Teensy 4.0

    I wanted to trigger an interrupt each time the PWM is reloaded. Therefore, I added the interrupt routine void TIMER() { ie++; asm("dsb"); } and the following lines at the end of setup: attachInterruptVector(IRQ_FLEXPWM2_0, TIMER); NVIC_ENABLE_IRQ(IRQ_FLEXPWM2_0); FLEXPWM2_SM0INTEN...
  12. E

    Teensy 4 synchronize ADC sampling with flexPWM timing

    Wonderful job. That saved me probably days of looking at the different registers. Routing the trigger and setting up the trigger to the ADC needs some steps, but allows many, many options. Some small corrections: The output for the PWM-signal is not configured. The PWM ratio is 100%, so no...