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  1. M

    Re-enable bootloader interrupts after a hard fault [Teensy 4.1]

    Hi! I'm not sure if this is the right question to ask, but I currently implement a hard fault function to do a (WIP) crash trace dump, but after the dump I'd like to re-enable USB interrupts so I can re-flash the Teensy during my unending while loop. Another interesting, but less important...
  2. M

    Pin 13 Problem on Teensy 4.1

    Hi! I'm seriously enjoying my 4.1, but I've run into a bit of a conundrum. My pin 13 is very noisy and only goes up a couple millivolts (confirmed via scope) when I set it to HIGH. This is particularly problematic because SCK is on this pin and I need to use both SPIs (as I'm reserving SPI1 to a...