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  1. T

    SSD1306 - Bare oled PCB at 3.3V

    Hi everyone, it is my first time trying to use an ssd1306 oled display, and i was wondering if any of you can confirm that the schematic i found is actually working. By comparing the schematic with the adafruit module, everithing match, exept a 3v3 regulator that of course is not needed. Would...
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    Setting up LVGL: fsl_cache.h not found

    Hi everyone, i previously post a thread asking for help setting up the TFT_eSPI library to be able to use the LVGL library. I set it up correctly and now it is perfectly working. So I moved to the LVGL. After fallowing the simple steps for the set up that you can se here i tried to compile and...
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    Help setting up TFT_eSPI & LGVL

    It worked! But it was not just a matter of the pin configuration. I actually had to modify a few lines in User_setup.h // ###### EDIT THE PIN NUMBERS IN THE LINES FOLLOWING TO SUIT YOUR ESP32 SETUP ###### // For ESP32 Dev board (only tested with ILI9341 display) // The hardware SPI can be...
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    Help setting up TFT_eSPI & LGVL

    Hi everyone, i am currently working with a TFT display with a ILI9341 driver, using a T4.1 and I already made the display working using the ILI9341_T3 library. I am triyng to set up the LGVL library following the steps on...
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    T4.1 - FFT of raw data from semi-stationary periodic signal

    Of course there are tons of algorithm for fft, but maybe there was something optimized for the T4.1. Clearly if you're asking me if the audio library is any good this means that i misanderstood something. I thought that to use that library i nedeed the audio board. I will document better on the...
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    T4.1 - FFT of raw data from semi-stationary periodic signal

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if any of you could help me find an algorithm for FFT on T4.1 WITHOUT using the audio boad. I need to process a repeating falling exponential wich in time can elong or shorten his time constant (it is a signal from a pulse induction metal detector, feeded to the...
  7. T

    Metal detectors & ground penetrating radar

    The second link might be really useful, thanks! But i was hoping to exploit the Power of modern day microcontrollers for processing in some way the received signal from the coil, for both the md and gpr. Thanks tho, the link has a very nice explenation
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    Metal detectors & ground penetrating radar

    Hi everyone! Since i was a kid i was always intrested in what lies undergrond and i always tried to figure out how to find amazing tresures buried deep benith the ground. Now that i grew up and I am almost an electronic engeneer (bechelor degree) i was albe to make more and more research about...
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    USB overvoltage Look like there is a 500mA fuse and a little bit of protection before the usb voltage reaches the uC. You should check the fuse, the inductor and the mosfet
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    GPIO ports and related control register

    Thank you guys for all of you precious infos. I came to a solution, which is using pinMode to initialize the pins and then addressing the ports as GPIOn_DR. So basically I am now able to work as i wanted. Yet i still have some curiosity. Here is the pin to GPIO latching: PIN GPIOn-BITm |...
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    GPIO ports and related control register

    TO SUM UP: i managed to latch each pin to his gpio port, yet some of those still refuses to cooperate. I think alternate functions is responsable for this. IOMUXC is a mess (?). I am close. Thanks to core_pins.h i finally found out that i can address to the registers using for example GPIO3_DR...
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    GPIO ports and related control register

    Thanks for your answers guys, i saw the reference manual, i read all of chapter 12 and i am aware that each GPIO has those 8 registers. My problem is really how to address them in coding (using teensyduino) do i need to define a pointer to those address and name it like the register (or whatever...
  13. T

    GPIO ports and related control register

    Good morning all, i recently bought a T4.1 and by looking at this page i tried to control all of the output pin using DDR and PORT registers, just like I was working whit arduino, Yet, i found out running this simple program and checking the pins with a...